Saturday, March 15, 2014

I will edit.

I am really sorry for not editing, I promise to not do it again. Excitement got the best of me. Sorry
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone.

The One Who Gone Soul Surgery (Chapter 4): Good things never last.

The cock crow twice, the sun yawned and its rays shot in the like arms of one who had just woken up. The breeze brushed off the night's warmth and hugged my ears.

I remembered walking outside taking my morning walks - barefoot - to the debris and undressed barren street, the scent of sun-roasted sycamore dressed the air by that testament I knew today was going to be a good day.

The frost covered vibrant leaves crackled under my feet as if Papa was tickling me. The scenery rich crisp copper gently falling of the tree like spiders coming down their web. Up I look the trees overlap each other, the clouds breaking off, exposing the richness of life with light.

Papa came outside for his regular smoke. He grabs a bunch of swamp-reeking tobacco leaves, patted his breast pocket and took out mint leaves to aid the smell.

'Hey cabbage... out already?', he said pushing the crushed leaves in his pipe.
'Why wouldn't I be? Today I go to school. Last time I checked you told Mama you weren't talking any puffs'

'Well, today I need it'.

He lit his leaves and the wind blew the sparks of fire accompanied by the leaves out of the pipe, almost burning his beard. 'Serves you right', I laughingly said moving into the house.
Inside the house, a pot of cinnamon tea brewing in the whistling pot, I warmed my hands up by the fireplace embracing the patting fire.

Unathi and I prepared, we wore our short pants to expose our attractive slim legs while the boys all wore long pants. The school bell rang vehemently, the rowdy crowd assembled in lines. A few announcements were made and the day began.

Unathi parted to her class and I was all alone caught in the middle of boys' territory. The stares most certainly alerted me that they knew I was different, the vicious anxiety kicked in, the excitement invested vanquished.

The atmosphere of the classroom was calm and quite, I made my way to the front sat by the window, I saw the tree I used to climb and all fears went away. The lady teacher entered the class and greeted everyone, the smile she wore made the impression that she was good-hearted.

'Hello, Teska. Hope you have adjusted', she said giggling, 'Don't worry these boys won't know your secret, you and your sister are brave, thank you for that.'

She patted my back and smiled. The day ended and my gender was unannounced.


I dreamt again but this time something different, this one in particular was confusing, without clarity just bleak images shot in one thought.

Now I see them in my dream, the strangers kissing me and pushing my head in a swamp with bloody hands.

Its a beautiful dream at first, it just had rained, Unathi and I playing on mud; throwing mud balls to the bee hive on our fig tree in our back yard. Laughing, we threw a bigger ball, the hive shoke but still nothing came out.

We ran to see if there was anything inside. All we heard were buzzing sound produced by the worker bee reminding the others it was not safe out there and they should do what it takes to protect their home.

We moved back to take hold of our vintage point behind the mustard tree next to the reed infested swamp. We worked out a plan on how we can scare the bees and take hold of their honey. We reminded each other that Khertya cookies are only pleasant when honey is in place.

We drew up our secret combination and identified all stones that could create a hive quake.

I led with the first strike but to my greatest ambition I miss the hive by an angle. Unathi tries and she triumphantly fails.      

'My turn now', announces Sayji, Unathi's classmate. We turned around to see his face. Slowly he came out, retrieving mud from the ground.

He threw the ball and hit the hive. It violently span and suddenly the twig it hung on broke and the habitat accelerated to the boulder next to the tree. Aware what was going to happen, we looked at each other and bewildered with excitement and fear.

The hive hits the large rock with a fearful sound as if the tree itself had fallen and snapped in half. The hive cracked into pieces and the residents of it were ready to act.

The buzzing bees came out as arrows ready to injury, some passed as bullets from a pistol.

We went our separate ways, I ran for life without knowledge where the others had went. I continued suddenly it became dark and I was in Hjahski Hajst Hurk - The Forbidden Forest. I knew that I was in trouble - I was all alone.

I ran back but came back at the same spot. In an instant a car roared behind me and I froze.

'I am in danger', I thought. I ran.
I am being chased by car in a forest, tall trees everywhere, I run without direction but that didn't matter.

The headlights exposing the nakedness and full anatomy of the lifeless forest. I finally had found refuge behind an oak tree and wolf howls playing somewhere towards the east.

Up ahead there was a cave. Creeping along slowly, I moved toward it. There was silence. I cleared my eyes still couldn't see anything. The darkness surrounded me, wrapping in its chill embrace like a hug from a dead person. I ran deeper. Suddenly I heard a faint sound.

Keep walking. I swiftly felt the sound in my whole body, it’s deep tone raising goosebumps on your skin, tingling as it vibrates down my spine. It is the heartbeat of fear. By way of touch I found a pile of leaves. I lay on the center hiding from the light exhibited by the vehicle. The cold leaves covered me from head to toe, and I dunked my head down, recounting ancients warriors of Hetah emigrating from my current state.

A dark figure lingering in the distance. I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer. I opened them, two feet stood in front of me, white eyes looking down on me and cold fog seeped under its boots. Its scalding hands grabbed me without care and its all dark - blurred visions and I pass out.

I opened my eyes there was a small yet deep pond close by. Sighing in relief, he walked up to the edge. I realised I was tied. Gazing into the water, I saw sinuous forms gliding through the cerulean liquid.

A gigantic splash of water moved away and I was the cause. 'I am in water, I drowning'. I felt my lungs filling with water I tried to scream but my voice was hardened, bouncing in my vocal cord like a wrecking ball but not coming out.

It hurt. Looking down, I saw a small school of fish, gently nibbling my feet. There was a swoop of wings and a small splash. Above, I looked over to see two swans drifting over the water’s surface and there he was watching me. I closed my eyes and the men laugh as they quack their way across the pond.

I opened my mouth, trying to rip the ropes, I struggled again and again.

I cannot breathe. I am out of breath, I need to breath. I untied myself and move up to gain air. Smothering hands touching my face, dragging me deep inside the deep pool. My heart races and cannot take this moment any longer.

I tried to move but my body wass weakened and hurt. My head consistently pushed as I tried to expose it for air but dipped immediately as it peaked.

I felt air moving out completely out of my system. My lungs ready to explode and my chest preparing for a crack. My heart felt compressed and my head filled to its brim. My body was light and effortlessly moved to the top of the water with the moon starring right back at me. Deeper I went under, cold the water felt.

The tangy, sweet taste of the bug it fills your mouth and I immediately spat.

A net yanked me out of the water. My vision blurred but I saw a huge stone being picked up and ready to strike my head. It is dusk now. The sharp wind blowing through the trees is cool against my skin. As the weapon was about to hit my head, I saw light.

I woke up screaming and the house was ablaze with the din of my hoarse bellow. Quietly my family attended to my cries and looked deep into my glassy eyes and they stabbed me with a sedative.

The night went to bed, the crickets and nightingale had a celebration; the sun welcomed by their choirs. It was a premonition and it was about to be manifested.