Sunday, February 16, 2014

Do you know him?

Do you get those things in life that hit you at the spot that you so longed for? That one thing in life that makes you say "I just don't care about anything else but this thing".

Do you ever get that moment? That love wave that has been making you smile all day and make you revisit good memoirs?

That instant sensation that makes life that roll-coaster ride that you always re-take because you just can get enough?

That tune that makes you sway your head in beautiful meandering motions and makes you spontaneously lift up your hands and have a thirty seconds dance party?

That feel when you get when you look at yourself in the mirror and say I am beautiful even though you have those hideous blemishes.

Do you feel that love that only comes when you need it most?

Are you happy? Are you in that happy state that wearing a frown is nothing but disgusting and totally YESTERDAY?

Are you so happy that you question every wrong thing in your life and aspire to do good? If your life was to be played in a movie screen would it be a movie that you would love to watch and be challenged to sought for greatness?

Is your life what you always wanted? Are you content and feeling those butterflies moon-walking in your stomach because this is the prime of your life?

Again are you truly happy? Do you love yourself? Are humbled by your deeds?

Well, I have something that will make you dance forever in your life. I have something that will make you smile from ear to ear because you know this magical.

 I know of a person who loved me so much that he laid his own life so that I too may be happy and have endless opportunities.

I know of a person, who bleed from every pore so that my sins and yours, regardless how scarlet they maybe but through him maybe turned white as snow.

I know of a man, who just advocates for me to our creator. I know of a man who knows me so intently that picks me up when I fall, that walks with me when all is well and wrecked. I know of a brother, who feeds me when my soul is wounded and starved.

I know of a friend who dances to my joys, achievements and the good that I do. I know of a person, who laughs with me when everyone thinks I am strange because I don't drink or think wickedness was ever happiness.

I know of a man who never mocks or judges me for being me. I know of a person who respects my decision and does not force me to do things that are not for me.

I know of a person who knows of my mission that has a vision for me and do anything for my remission and will grant me admission to his heart.

I know of a being who like my life status, tags me in words, retweets my blessings and shares his love for me.

I know of a Redeemer, who shall be proud of me when I have dedicated my life unto trusting him and know I will see him, touch him, feel the holes in his hands and hug him like I never hugged a person.

"I know that my redeemer liveth and doesn't slumber", I too like Job can say this. I too, like Abraham and Moses will speak to him.

I invite you all to come unto him. That man is Jesus Christ, do you KNOW him?

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