Tuesday, January 22, 2013

High School Nightmare Stories: "I did my homework'

 Don't you just hate it when your sitting doing homework, I mean intensely thinking, and then you get to that Math equation that numbs your mind and for those dreadful seconds-minutes-hours you feel terribly stupid.

You just keep on going, encouraging yourself saying in your mind "You got this, wait until I get in class and show off my master work...". Then your mind comes up with a ridiculous answer but you don't know because your brain-cells manipulated you into thinking that your right.

"Yes, I got it... I am smart and way smarter than that smartest guy in class! Yeah, I can only see his stupid face praising me".

That night, you just cannot sleep because 'YOUR THE MAN' and you feel like weed is smoking you because your the IT Guy. You just cannot wait to get in to that class and just show off because you have the best answer ever thought of.

You feel like finishing the whole maths book by just doing the homework, you got the momentum and the power. "X multiplied by X is X to the power of 2. Ohh yeah baby I am the shit"

You wake up, incredibly eager and no one is going to bring you down because your have the golden answer. You brush your teeth excitedly making sure that when you answer no bad smell shall evaporate out of your mouth. For the first time you kiss your mom and make breakfast.

You polish your shoes and insist on double ironing your pants. For the second time this year you check yourself via the mirror. "I am hot and supper smart, beauty and brains. I am thee Alpha Man" you giggle with that cheesy smile that screams 'I can get any girl I want' - REALLY!

You rush your mom to getting you to school, "Mom, hurry up Einstein, I mean The Guy Smarter Than Thomas Edison has to be early". You get to the school and you rush as if you were running the 100m sprint at the olympics.

The bell rings and you take out your most valued intervention and you sit there smiling and pointing out everyone who didn't do their homework "Sir, Sam did not do his homework", you saying laughing with sheer menace "John is plagiarising!".    
Every culprit is dismissed from the class and you feel like the saviour of the school.

Finally, we get to mark the homework only to find out that the sum you did was last week's homework! Your feel like your are one of the victims in Stephen Kings novels, your taste like last night's supper and your throat feels itchy like a mosquito bit you on your Adam's apple.

To come and think of that you have put in all your sweat and disregarded all your other homework just to impress that teacher that hates you and be the talk of the day in class.

You also find out that you also used the wrong formula to solve the quadratic equation you did. You start hearing that crickets sound - the no-changing-rhythmn song-sound - you fell devastated and betrayed by your mind. You think you look like Patrick from Spongebob Square Pants.

"I give up...", you scream in the inside while raining sweating from the outside. "I hate myself and this bloody maths class!".

(This is dedicated to all of those who never do their homework, You know you feel like this! Advice do your homework)

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